Rose Bowl: Bon Voyage


Rose Bowl is a place I have lived from day 1 when I entered school
It’s not just a beautiful Amphitheatre, but it also groomed me as a comedian, statement, lawyer and Shahjahan…

“ Taj Mahal ka Tender “ is /was my final act at the rose bowl, both as actor and director.
We acted with one of largest cast crews on stage in our school history
It was the first play after covid with a packed audience
As a director, it was pretty challenging, few of our cast were part of the School cricket team
Few were part of the Basketball team, and full rehearsal rarely happened.
Till four days before founder’s day, It continued to rain for several days.
Stage rehearsal also rarely happened.

We were told that if there would be more than a 70% probability of rain, the play would not happen as it was amphitheatre.
Thankful to the Headmaster who assured us …show would go on till the first drop of rain
Thanks to the teacher in charge and all who helped it was perfect, flawless and highly appreciated.

I will not miss ROSE BOWL…I will always live it.